Here at Jackhammer Jet we are dedicated to providing a quality product that fits out customers demands. Further testing and collaboration with industry professionals, mechanics, laborers, and foreman has yielded an improvement in our design. Starting from 5/6/2017, all Jackhammer Jet systems will now include a metal guard for the length of hose that runs along the jackhammer or whichever pneumatic chipping tool you wish to attach it to.
There are two main reasons for this change in design: 1)To ensure the lifespan of our product meets customer demands 2)To provide easier attachment of the system to the tool Jackhammers get beat up, thrown around, used as prybars, etc. We want to ensure that the Jackhammer Jet system holds up to the wear and tear of everyday use, and this improvement in our product should help meet those demands. If you have any improvement ideas, or questions about our product, feel free to email us at [email protected] and we will get back to you within 24 hours. Thanks, -Matt
Matt DurbinMatt is a EHS consultant and safety professional with experience in chemical manufacturing, environmental remediation, demolition, site/road construction, stream restoration and commercial construction. ArchivesCategories |